Birth Testimonials

Please click on the names below to find out more:

Sam, mum of Audrey, May 2013

For the birth of my second baby I decided I needed all the help I could get to achieve a natural birth, especially since I'd had a caesarean section the first time round. Despite the reassurance from midwives at the hospital that I would be treated in the same way as a first time mum, I wanted to ensure my birth plan was kept to as much as possible! Sarah was not only the guardian of my birth plan but a calm and reassuring presence. She encouraged me when I was tired and even made me laugh during my labour! My husband was also reassured just knowing that she would be there when I went into labour, and it meant that he could focus on supporting me, while Sarah took care of some of the practicalities. I had an amazing birth experience, it wouldn't have been the same without her and we cannot thank her enough.

Amy, mum of Guy, born August 2012

When pregnant with our second baby, our midwife recommended we talk to Sarah to discuss labour and ways to cope naturally as the birth of our first son had been induced, resulting in a highly medicalised labour and birth.

We found Sarah’s calm, pragmatic and positive approach to birth really reassuring and when we discovered she was also a doula it seemed natural to want her with us for the duration of labour as we knew she would bring a calm and gentle approach.  We had never even considered using a doula before as we didn’t think it would be our cup of tea and previously never appreciated what a reassuring and supportive role a doula could play in a birth, and in our case, ensuring that we had the labour we wanted.

Our second labour was very long and drawn out but with Sarah’s help and encouragement we were able to handle the contractions and found the whole process to be a very powerful and rewarding experience.  It was also incredibly bonding for my husband and me, as well as with our emerging baby boy - which is a testament to Sarah’s sensitive approach.  Sarah did not leave our side for 3 days. She basically moved into our house, timing every contraction and helping with breathing techniques.... she only slept for an hour when we insisted after having been awake for 36 hours!   

When we arrived at hospital we were all exhausted.  Sarah was able to update the midwives and miraculously managed to convert a bright, clinical hospital room into a much more relaxing, comfortable place to be in 30 seconds flat!  It was particularly reassuring to have Sarah at this point as she was familiar with the midwives at the JR, who seemed to know and respect her opinions.  While our midwife was brilliant, it was Sarah who pulled everything together having been with us from the start - she even mopped up my broken waters!

If we had not had Sarah as our doula we are sure that we would have set off for hospital and been sent back a number of times and generally spent a lot more time in hospital rather than at home.  The whole experience would certainly have been far more medicalised and stressful.  Sarah’s presence ensured that we could labour at home in a calm and natural way.  Sarah stayed with us until baby Guy was safely in our arms, feeding well.  We could not recommend her highly enough and will always feel indebted to her.  Importantly, she has an ongoing place in Guy’s life by giving us baby-massage classes, which he really seems to enjoy.

Fleur, mum of Archie, April 2011

We could not have managed without Sarah's support and calming presence. She helped us negotiate our way through a hospital birth, with smiles and laughs along the way. We will never be able to thank her enough and she is a huge part of Archie's birth. Having the birth story written down, as it unfolded, was the most amazing gift to have and read afterwards. It will be part of Archie's life story that he will have for ever. I wish I had such an account of my own birth. However the best thing about having Sarah alongside is her invaluable support afterwards. Neither of us have parents living close by, and so having Sarah's visits after the birth filled that gap. She has so much experience of everything to do with babies, and of local groups / contacts which have given us a solid foundation for parenthood. Knowing that I can always phone her for no nonsense support and advice gives a huge safety net to our little family.

Jayne, mum of Daisy, Feb 2008

Sarah was Doula at my home water birth. She did everything we needed, from befriending my children beforehand, through baking muffins with them during the labour, to boiling pans of water on the stove when the hot water ran out. Most impressively she managed to both massage my back and hold my hand - underwater - during the final stages of labour. She ended up soaking wet and with backache - a heroic effort! It was so reassuring for us all to know that there would be at least one, calm, friendly, familiar person with us on the day and we were all really pleased that Sarah was there for us.

Post Natal - Testimonials

Jess and Max. June 2013

From the moment she arrived in our house, Charlotte made everyone feel at ease. Our toddler adored her, our newborn was happy and content in her care and even our dogs fell in love with her! We trusted her implicitly with our children and her warm and caring persona made her a pleasure to have around to help in the testing times of life with a newborn. We would highly recommend Charlotte and her doula services.

Sarah, Feb 2013

My partner and I felt more confident about the birth of our baby girl knowing that Charlotte would be there for us. She was really supportive and it was very reassuring to know she was there to help both for the birth itself and also in the first few weeks after we brought our daughter home.

Lyndsey, Mum of 4. March 2012

Even though this was my 4th child, I was very anxious, especially as I was on my own. Charlotte’s help & support got me through it all. She helped to make my experience even more memorable. I would highly recommend her as a doula - she is fantastic!