Postnatal Doula

We believe that the role of a Post Natal Doula is to enable and empower women to fulfil their role as a mother by giving support and encouragement in the early weeks of parenting.

In order to achieve this, we will:

  • Provide you with the time and opportunity to reflect on your recent birth experience.
  • Give reassurance and encouragement regarding feeding options and techniques, whichever way you have chosen to feed your baby.
  • Help practically within the home environment, by doing jobs such as the laundry, shopping, cooking etc where required.
  • Support the wider family, for example playing with older children or collecting children from school/nursery.
  • Be available to discuss options of all aspects of postnatal care and development.
  • Give you a chance to sleep/rest when you need to.

As this exciting adventure unfolds it is very difficult to quantify the type or amount of help you might require. As postnatal doulas we offer flexible options that range from just a few hours to staying for several days, similar to that of a maternity nurse. Each family is unique and where possible we will adapt the services to suit your needs. Working as a partnership gives us a greater degree of flexibility with regard to the frequency and timing of visits.

Extended postnatal support

As your journey into parenthood continues, we are also available for extended support with your growing baby. This could include sleep training, weaning and potty training.