Baby Massage Classes

Baby massage is an ancient and wonderful way to connect with your baby. Classes are suitable for babies from birth to one year old, with the optimum age for learning it being from 8 - 20 weeks (i.e. before the babies are on the move!).

The benefits of baby massage are well researched, and include stimulation (of all the big systems: circulation, digestion, respiration, immune, skin, language, nervous), relaxation (releases stress, produces calming hormones, helps to regulate sleep patterns), relief (sinuses, growing pains, teething, colic, constipation, excess mucous), and interaction (bonding, communication, eye contact, one to one activity). It can be performed by the baby’s parents or grandparents or anyone involved in the care of the baby.

As an IAIM Certified Infant Massage Instructor, I run six week courses with each session lasting approx. one and a half hours. Each week we will focus on a new body part, building up to massaging the whole body by week 4. On week 5 we will also learn some simple yoga inspired stretching exercises for your baby. On week six we will recap all the strokes and exercises already learnt - an ideal chance to catch up for anyone who has missed a session. We will also learn how to do a short massage routine for when you are short of time. I will not be massaging your baby for you, and my role is not that of a massage therapist. As well as learning the massage strokes, each class includes time for a discussion on a postnatal topic of the group’s choice, which is a great opportunity to share ideas and enjoy a cuppa!

The course costs £60, which includes a bottle of organic massage oil, a set of illustrated handouts and refreshments. It is open to a minimum of five and a maximum of eight parents and babies.

Scheduled courses take place in Ascott-under-Wychwood and Witney. I can also run a course tailored to your dates and locality, for example if you have an NCT or postnatal group who would like to have a course together. If you would like me to run a course for you and your friends in the comfort of your own home, please contact me to make arrangements. The cost for the hostess is just £40. If you live further than 15 miles from Ascott-under-Wychwood, there will be an additional mileage charge added to the cost.

Course dates for Winter 2016

Please click on the BM link in brackets to fill in a booking form and get a place on the course you want.

Wednesdays 6th Jan - 10th Feb, 1.00 - 2.30pm, Ascott-under-Wychwood (course no. BM074)

Thursdays 7th Jan - 11th Feb, 3.00 - 4.30pm, Witney (course no. BM075)

For any babies who have completed a baby massage course with me, each of the Witney courses has an additional, optional dads-only session on the Saturday following the end of the course (i.e.12th December and 13th February), from 2-3.30pm. This is a lovely way for dads to gain in confidence of massaging and connecting with their babies, and to meet other dads. £10 if paid in advance, or £12 payable on the day. Booking essential - email me if you would like a place!



Please click on the names below to find out more:

Ami, mum to Arthur, 2014

“I just wanted to thank you for such a fab massage course. I thoroughly enjoyed it each week and loved the way Arthur started to really make eye contact with me during it. He loves his massage and still has it every night after his bath before bed. Sometimes he won't seem in the mood and won't let me do his chest or arms but the legs and feet are always up for it. He becomes so relaxed whilst doing his legs.

I'm sure massage has made him such a content baby who sleeps incredibly well. I'm raving about it everywhere I go. I've also taught my husband and for the first time last night I left him to bath and massage Arthur on his own and I think he's really enjoying that bonding time too. So basically, thank you - it's the best thing I've learnt and will endeavour to do it as long as Arthur allows me to and will tell all new mums I meet to do it.”

Click to view class photos