Sarah Boyd

I started my working life as a Norland Nanny, having qualified from the Norland College in 1990. I spent several years working as both a nanny and a nursery nurse, up until the birth of my first child.

After having had 2 very positive birth experiences of my own (in 1998 and 2000), and having been a stay-at-home mum for 4 years, I decided I wanted to stretch myself (and my brain), and so I trained as an antenatal teacher with the NCT. I qualified in July 2005, and have been teaching antenatal classes across Oxfordshire regularly since then. In 2008, I developed a pregnancy class dedicated to teaching pregnant women physical skills for labour, using birthing balls, relaxation skills and breathing techniques, called Bumps, Balls and Breathing.

In 2004, I had my third baby, which was another wonderful experience, and really cemented my passion for birth, and my desire to help other women to achieve a positive birth outcome.

I started working as a birth doula in January 2006, and I have attended a wide variety of births, providing support at home and hospital births both locally (the John Radcliffe in Oxford, the Horton in Banbury and Chipping Norton Birth Centre) and further afield (St. George’s in London).

As a postnatal doula, I also enjoy supporting women once they get home with their baby, whether that be just for a few hours a week, or on a more long-term basis - helping them to find their feet, understand their baby's needs and feel confident in their ability to be a wonderful mother.

In 2008 I became a breastfeeding peer supporter, and from then until the end of 2012 I volunteered regularly at the drop-in clinic at the Ace Centre in Chipping Norton. I also worked from October 2011 to July 2012 at the weekly breastfeeding support group, Breastmates, held at Carterton Children’s Centre.

In July 2010, I qualified as a Certified Infant Massage Instructor (CIMI), with the International Association of Infant Massage. I now run regular baby massage courses in West Oxfordshire.

In 2014, I created a CD of Visualisations for Labour. It can be used to accompany the Bumps, Balls and Breathing classes, or, for women who cannot get to those sessions, it gives them a chance to familiarise themselves with the images and practice the breathing in the comfort of their own homes, and at a time that suits them. For more info on the CD, please click here.

I am a non-smoker, and a driver with a current UK driving licence.

I am CRB checked, registered with FedAnt and fully insured.