Bumps, Balls and Breathing Classes


Pregnancy relaxation and gentle exercise classes run by a qualified antenatal teacher. Instruction includes using birth balls, breathing techniques and visualisations for labour. Fun and relaxing sessions which help you to prepare for the big day, and provide you with plenty of antenatal information.

Come and discover different ways to use a birth ball during labour and birth, along with a variety of breathing, relaxation and visualisation techniques designed to give you coping tools to use in labour.

The sessions are most suitable for the last three months of pregnancy. It is useful, though not essential, to come to several classes. This helps you to better remember the visualisation techniques you have done in class, when you are in labour.

This is a great opportunity to focus on your baby, while mentally and physically preparing for the birth.

Classes are held weekly at Carterton Children's Centre. They are open to all women in the area, and we welcome women from as far afield as Oxford, Kidlington, Chipping Norton, Witney, Burford, Lechlade, Faringdon and surrounding villages. Most of the classes are for women only, but there is a couples’ session on the first Friday of every month. This class is really beneficial for birth supporters, to see how they can be most helpful in their role. Birth supporters can be male or female. These classes demonstrate different ways your partner can help you when using a birth ball, can help them to understand the importance of staying relaxed and breathing well in labour and also teach simple massage techniques for labour.

Don’t worry if you don’t have a birth ball - I have plenty to borrow during the class. If you would like to buy one, I also have them for sale at £20, which includes a hand pump.

Free Downloads

Here are a couple of free tasters to give you an idea of the sort of visualisations we use in classes. The more you listen to the images, the more deeply ingrained they will become in your mind, and so the more likely it will be that you will use them in labour without having to think about them. That way you can let your body labour as it needs to, whilst you are focused on the images in your mind to help to keep you calm and relaxed.

Taster 1 - Bubbles
Taster 2 - Tropical Beach

Visualisations for Labour CD

If you enjoyed the downloads, and would like to hear more images that might help you during your labour, you can purchase our Visualisations for Labour CD, which gives you 23 images to listen to, as well as information and tips on successful breathing for labour. To order it, click here.

Class Details

Carterton Children’s Centre, Edith Moorhouse Primary School, Lawton Ave, OX18 3JY, every Friday 9.30 - 10.30 a.m. Cost £1 per person per class. Unfortunately it is no longer possible to park on the school grounds - you will need to park on Lawton Ave, and walk up the driveway.

Couples’ classes are held here on the first Friday of every month, at the earlier time of 9.00 - 10.30. Women are welcome to attend without a partner. See above for details of these classes.

The last class of this term will be on Friday 18th December, and we will start back on Friday 8th January, with a couples' session.


It is essential to pre-book, as class sizes are small.

If you would like to book a place please email


07909 545484.


Please click on the names below to find out more:

Gemma, mum to Joseph

“I can’t thank you enough for all that you taught me over a 3 week period. I managed for over 12 hours with breathing exercises, a tens machine and gas and air alone. The ball exercises, the breathing, the counting contractions and the knowledge that came with this which you provided contributed to what was overall a positive birth experience, so thank you very much.”

Ruth, mum to Ben

“I was able to use various different positions that we'd learnt during the husbands' session and I really needed his support during each contraction. He felt enabled to cope because he knew his presence was making such a difference. He also knew how to translate my welcome breaths and finishing breaths for the student midwife. Thanks again for your classes - they were massively helpful for both me and my husband, giving us both an understanding of what might come and giving us non verbal communication tools to help with labour. It also particularly helped him realise how important his role was in supporting me!”

Click to view class photos